Thursday, November 25, 2010

To do list

There are many MANY things I have been putting off since I have been in school. Things I keep saying "when I'm done school I shall...." and I think I better start thinking about what they are and making a list, so I can get the satisfaction of crossing them off my list once they are completed. Some of them are pretty average boring things like, call a naturopath and get to the bottom of my food allergies. Yet others I think I will be racing to do as they are more fun-sign up for a class so I can learn how to use my digital SLR better (aka not on the automatic setting!) I have managed to find all kinds of time over the past two years to do homework, so I'm sure I can fit in all the odds and ends of things I want and have to do.
It is finally super freezing in Toronto, and I feel unprepared. My big winter jacket is north at my mums so I have layered up like crazy for the commute this morning. Which is great while outdoors but am currently fighting off sweating on the subway. The at work coffee is greatly anticipated today
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