Wednesday, July 13, 2011

With a sigh of utter delight

...I can happily tell you that our back room is no longer the depository for all that has no home/belongs outside! As I said the other day G has now loaded up the shed and the back room lay empty. Thanks to an amazing visionary in the family, (no I'm not tooting my own horn here!!!!) it has been transformed into gorgeous living space! I need to get off my butt and post pics from our good camera but in the meantime please accept some iPhone visual stylings:




We are referring to it as the Back room lounge.... It will be where we retire for our after dinner cocktails! We've discussed putting the hammock in there once the snow falls too! It's amazing to have more living space. Note the doors I have yet to finish sanding (gulp) as decor. We LOVE IT! Next step is painting the floors to complete the cottagey feel.

1 comment:

Alaleh said...

LOVE what you've done with my room ;)
Looks great J+G :)