Thursday, June 6, 2013

So THESE are hormones Part 2

Alternate post title:  Things I have cried about thus far while pregnant (part 2)

  1. When Brooklyn was with my father in law for a week and I just missed her smooshy face oh so much

  2. When we went to pick up our Storm Doors (on sale no less) only to be told that while the flyer neglected to mention it, the dark colour that we wanted would be an extra $200/door.  Insane bawling the whole way home. Garret's attempt at comfort "the baby won't know we don't have new storm doors....I love you... want a popsicle/frosty/sandwich"

  3. The morning after as I remembered a dream of Garret leaving me for some imaginary lady and being mean. oooh pregnancy dreams can be brutal

  4. When we got Brooklyn back and she peed in the house one time so I started panicking and crying (thankfully this was just once)

  5. When my peanut butter cookies I made as a surprise for G looked like a bar instead of like cookies (still tasted awesome so all was fine)

I usually run pretty high on the emotional scale.  To quote Kristen Bell on Ellen "if I am not between a 3-7 I am crying"  But to be honest this whole pregnancy thing is really throwing me for a loop.  I feel my eyes welling up at completely ridiculous times (see #2--I had to rush out of Lowes and wait in the car due to utter devastation re storm doors) Luckily G is really good at making me laugh about it without feeling like he is laughing at me.  However I feel badly subjecting him to so many tears and then me feeling pretty idiotic when explaining I am crying because I made him delicious things that just don't look enough like cookies.

To be continued over the next 4 months I am sure

1 comment: said...

I love the fact that you make each other laugh!