It seems that my little house blog took a serious turn for wedding rambling for a while that that is over let me enthral you with our upcoming home reno plans:
Since we took such a time out on the house to focus on summer plans, wedding planning and general non house related life stuff, our home to do plans over the next few months are extensive! We are both big socializers and seem to always have weekend plans, so we decided to make more time during the week to at least push things forward a little. We can easily allot a few hours after work to painting and other house fixing related tasks. We are also going to try to not book both weekend days with plans for a while, so we have some more time to try to accomplish things. The past year and a bit in the house has taught us one lesson: everything takes twice as long as you think it will!
We finished our dining room a few months ago (except for the lighting) and we take so much satisfaction out of how nice that room looks. I want that feeling everywhere else in our home. So....this weekend we are planning to finish painting the living room ceiling and the walls where we removed the crown moulding (Garret has been skim coating and sanding this week so we should be good to go) He is DYING to start the brickwork on the one wall, so that might get kicked off as well. Once the living room is done we are going to (and not necessarily in this order):
1. Put the trim up on the other side of the door in the downstairs washroom
2. Backsplash in the kitchen. We have been putting WAY too much thought into it, we just need to pick something and go with it.
3. Fix the hole in the ceiling in the kitchen that was cut to change out the wiring. (it is so small that we keep forgetting it's there, but it would be nice to have that DONE)
4. Paint the staircase and railing. The top banister requires some serious sanding though, it would appear the previous owner had a beaver who cut his baby teeth on the fop railing.
5. Put a runner down the stairs
6. New light fixture and fix ceiling in entrance hall (maybe this is two separate items?!)
7. Finish painting our room and guest room--we have colours chosen already we just need to get at it
8. Install the new hardwood flooring we bought upstairs (I will be sucking up to my Father in Law tonight to see when he can come help! )
9. Install three new doors upstairs (two bedrooms and the bathroom) The existing doors are AWFUL. The guest bedroom door gets stuck all the time, the gap in the bathroom door would be perfect for a peeping tom, and our bedroom door doesn't even close!
There are a billion and one other items on our list, but I feel like this is hefty enough to keep us going for the fall/winter. I also need to throw in: organize basement and build closet type fake built ins around our bed, but don't let me get ahead of myself! One of my girlfriends might be coming to live with us for a few weeks in October so I feel like getting the guest room sorted out might be the top of our priority list.. I will keep you posted on how things go.