Friday, August 10, 2012

Magic slippers and a glimpse of my dress

[caption id="attachment_835" align="aligncenter" width="741"] If I click my heels together three times and say "there is no place like home" I wonder if they will transport me to the altar?[/caption]

Erin and I went out shoe shopping on Wednesday night and I was somewhat frantic.  I had my dress fitting on Thursday and my very stern Ukrainian seamstress already chastised me last time for having no shoes.  I needed some STAT and of course left it to the last minute.  I was pleasantly surprised to find these beauties right off the bat.  They have a teensy wedge heel so they are a wee bit fancy, they sparkle like a Stephanie Myers vampire in the sun and I love love love them.  We found them in the nick of time and I was able to get my dress pinned up yesterday.  It just makes things seem so much more bells are almost ringing people.....43 days til Walsh!  Plans are coming along really well, although most days I feel like I need to remind Garret that we are having a wedding in just over a month.  His to do list is concerning me as I am not sure if it is getting taken care of...what I call reminding he calls nagging. (but I swear it is just friendly reminders!) However I will call it frustrating when September rolls around and he still hasn't got his groomsmen gifts sorted out ;)  But I shoes my dress squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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